Million Things

There are a million things out there, waiting to be discovered, to be lived. I wonder why we lost so much time trapped in a world of lies and falsehood a world of forced urbanization, where the simplest things become tiresome.
Spending time out of the city into a paradise lost in the Amazon jungle I realized how stupid and idiotic. I'm being to have forgotten the small details of life. I have not forgotten how to live in harmony, I actually thought about it every day but the greed of update that all humans have today (except my mother), made me act like everyone else, made ??me act like a robot being controlled by some evil force.
"You're too young to have problems, you're being spoiled"
I'm not, I'm young, yes, but i have my issues, my pain, my ups and downs,  may not seem to you, but to me, it hurts. Are my pains, my problems, do not overlook.
Understand, I'm not freaking out or turning a person obsessed by nature, i am rather in favor save nature to protect animals, but i also like the city, like the shaking, but i don't like to forget the small details of life. Such things make me sad without courage. Maybe it's like my mother said, maybe, just maybe i might need  a restart, find Tme again. Just maybe.

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